Everyone is taken aback as he carries her barefoot to the middle of the dance floor! Video

The majority of us aren’t skilled enough to compete with professional dancers in terms of dancing,

but we can all at least nod and tap our feet. We’ll examine Forró today, a remarkable dance style that is timeless despite repeated viewings.

The Brazilian dance known as forró represents more than just dancing. It includes the beat, the dance moves, the music genre, and even the gatherings where Forró music is played.

Forro is unique in that its movements are characterized by dynamism and energy, often exhibited by couples dancing in close proximity to one another.

At first appearance, some people can confuse Forró for samba or salsa. It might even bring to mind zydeco, popularly referred to as ‘Cajun’ music, for Americans.

But don’t misunderstand: the greatest dancers in Forró are joyful to be Brazilian, and the style is proudly Brazilian.

Regardless of origin, this kind of dancing unites individuals and makes them feel content and a part of the community.

In the video below, Valmir and Juzinha are seen performing at the Forró de Domingo Festival in Stuttgart, Germany.

The biggest Forró event to be held outside of Brazil is this one. Their moves will astound you, and it’s more than simply a dance—it’s a grand, exuberant celebration!

After watching the video below, which features their outstanding performance, please feel free to leave a remark on Facebook.

Never forget that giving is receiving! Remember to hit the SHARE BUTTON so that your Facebook friends and family can also experience the delight of Forró.

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