
Everyone knows that dogs are loyal friends, and this is true most of the time. People have always said that our pet friends love us no matter what and are loyal to us. So, it’s not surprising that the internet is full of amazing stories and posts about their loyalty. One of them is about a dog in China who pushed a wheelchair for his crippled owner.

Source: Screenshot/ YouTube

The dog, who is two years old, lives with his crippled owner in the Chinese village of Mago, which is close to the city of Luyang. His owner, Manao, who is 59 years old, has been disabled and weak since he was a child. He has to use a wheelchair to get around and make money. He’s lucky to have a best friend who wants to help him and go with him.

Source: Screenshot/ YouTube

Since Manao didn’t have enough money to buy a real wheelchair, he made one so he could get to work. Every day, the dog pushes the wheelchair from the house to the place where he fixes shoes. Even though the road isn’t very long, the man can’t get there without the dog’s help. He runs to his owner as soon as he sees him or hears his voice.

Source: Screenshot/ YouTube

While the man is working, the dog can take a nap. He often plays with his friend when he has free time. Manao’s work doesn’t pay him much, so his friends feel sorry for him and sometimes bring him food.

Source: Screenshot/ YouTube

Manao didn’t name the dog, so everyone just called him the Big Yellow Dog. Someone wanted to buy the dog and offered Manao 500 yuan for it, but he didn’t sell it, saying that his friend was not for sale.

Source: Screenshot/ YouTube

Their story has gotten a lot of attention and gone viral. So, what do you think? Tell us what you think in the comments.

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