A man in China worked as a taxi driver for 25 years to find his missing daughter… What happened next will warm your heart

Internet spaces and media publications have long understood that negative news and stories attract more interest and attention from our contemporaries and generously saturate the public with them.

But in all this boring information it’s always good to learn about something happy, it’s like a breath of fresh air in a poisoned atmosphere.

This amazing story could not leave anyone who witnessed it indifferent. And it got its sad beginning in 1994, when a three-year-old girl, Wang Qifeng,

played in the yard and mysteriously disappeared. His parents, distraught with grief, searched for him for days, but in vain.

The police, volunteers, relatives and friends were involved in the search, but everything was in vain.

Local hospitals and shelters were also helpless, and after a while no one believed in the happy return of the child.

Everyone except his parents. They did not want to believe the worst and were not going to give up.

The girl’s father, Wang Mingqing, decided to become a taxi driver and showed each of his passengers a photo of his missing daughter,

told a sad story and asked them to share it on social networks. More than 5,000 people heard about the missing

little girl and tried to help Qifeng’s parents. But 24 years of empty expectations and hopes have passed.

But one day the man realized what mistake he made during his long search. After all these years, he was

showing people the picture of the little girl, and after all these years, the girl looks completely different.

He shared these thoughts with the police, and with the help of modern technology, an image of Wang’s

supposed appearance was created 24 years later. How right the loving father of the missing child was!

The 27-year-old girl’s heart trembled when she saw her portrait in one of the police reports. She had a

different name for a long time, but she knew that she had a different life before she left her native yard and got lost in the crowded street.

A DNA test conducted confirmed her relationship with Wang Mingqin. It took 24 long years for the family to be reunited again.

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