This woman saved the world from the pandemic and worked for 110 years…The incredible story below

This woman is the world’s most famous pediatrician who lived in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.

This woman won a medical award a few years after she began practicing medicine. By the way, she had a long and happy marriage.

What is the secret of Leila Denmark’s phenomenal longevity and inexhaustible energy? This is not about good genetics.

Loyla’s mother died at the age of 45 and her father at 60. Also, it can’t be said that the drugs did their job, because she rarely used peals.

The secret of her longevity was a healthy diet and love for her profession. The future doctor was born in the state of Georgia.

She was the third of 12 children at home. Raised in a family of farmers. Her love for her brothers and sisters led her to her profession: Leila wanted to help children

At that time, she did not even think that a few years later he would invent a vaccine against a terrible epidemic

and for the first time she would present a theory about the harm of passive smoking for children.

Her parents had nothing to do with science, not even an education. Denmark didn’t even plan to become famous in the beginning. She wanted to become a teacher

Having received a pedagogical education in college, Leila unexpectedly entered medical school.

What could have diverted Leila from her intended path. Well, of course, love. Getting to know the promising economist John Denmark completely changes the girl’s plans.

However, purposeful Leila does not give up her career for love. On the contrary, she gets the profession of a pediatrician. She often accompanied her husband on business trips.

In Indonesia, she saw how pediatricians were highly valued and decided to become a pediatrician rather than a teacher.

Leila gave birth to her only child when she had already strengthened her profession a little and started private practice.

However, two years after the birth of their daughter, the family faced misfortune. At that time,

an epidemic of whooping cough broke out in the US state of Georgia, where they had moved after a business trip.

The acute infection was transmitted through the air, causing a fit-like cough and threatening an agonizing death.

As it is known, children suffered the most from this disease, the little one, Alice, was not an exception.

In the meantime, Denmark is working on a vaccine against whooping cough. She created it and tested it on her own child.

The result was successful, Mary Alice recovered, and the vaccine was released into production after minor development.

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