A father has found a genius way to calm a 3-month-old baby…

Whether a baby is hungry, tired, or wants something else, it lets out heart-wrenching cries.

It is the only means available to him to attract attention. Fathers or grandmothers often stay with the child, where the children’s crying does not stop.

It was because the baby only needs its mother.

This miracle baby was 3 months old when the mother had to leave the house and the father had to watch the child. When mom was away, the baby started crying.

The slight scream soon turned into a screaming cry. The father tried all possible means to calm him down, but the child would not calm down.

It was then that he remembered an episode he had witnessed in another family. There the little girl cried and the

father took out the mother’s dirty shirt from the laundry basket and gave it to the child and the child immediately calmed down.

The point is that the clothes we wear keep our smell. And when the child feels the special smell of her mother,

She feels that she is next to her. And he decided to try, he took off the woman’s dirty shirt and gave it to the child.

You just had to see what happened. She presses her mother’s shirt to her face and sniffs.
After that, the baby suddenly stops crying

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