One cute, young wedding party member disturbed the ceremony when she noticed her beloved…. Cutest video below

Weddings are frequently emotional events as friends and family gather to witness two people in love exchange vows,

promising to stick by each other no matter what. However, weddings and the days preceding them can be anxious and stressful.

When it comes to wedding preparation, even the tiniest, smallest detail becomes emphasized and can result in a major headache.

One young lady, however, showed no signs of being phased by being in a bridal party. When it came to playing her part in the wedding,

she was absolutely stress-free. In reality, she had something more essential to accomplish when it was time for her to walk down the aisle.

A YouTube video depicts the incident that occurred when a flower girl saw her granddad. She took a detour rather than moving along the aisle.

The toddler is given a small prod in the direction she should move into the aisle at the start of the movie.

The small girl follows the plan for a few feet before spotting her grandfather and setting her eyes on him.

She strides up the aisle grinning all the while. The audience laughed a little when they realized the little girl was going to visit her grandfather.

She offers herself a hand as she approaches grandpa, taking a few shaky steps before she arrives at her target.

It almost seems too cute to be true!

The audience cheers as the young girl approaches her granddad. He stoopingly scoops up the adorable youngster and lays her on his lap.

She has arrived at her desired location. In her grandfather’s warm embrace, the girl feels safe, secure, and content.

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