Why heavyweight boxer Muhammad Ali couldn’t lift an old man weighing 50 kg off the ground: Johnny Coulon’s trick

Former boxer Johnny Coulon proved that strength can be defeated by intelligence. He had a secret, because of which he was sometimes considered a magician.

It is difficult to imagine that a person weighing 50 kg cannot be lifted off the ground, but the fact itself remained more eloquent than words.

Johnny Pendant often performed this trick while touring the world. And even a strong boxer in the heavy weight category, Muhammad Ali, could not lift him an inch.

Boxers Johnny Coulon and Muhammad Ali: weight category and age difference

Johnny Coulon’s passion for sports became a professional pursuit after a successful fight in Chicago.

First there were amateur competitions, where he showed that light weight is not a hindrance to knocking out an opponent.

At the age of 16, the young man became a professional boxer in the light weight category, and at the age of 21, he became a champion. At that time, its weight was approximately 100 feet.

An important period in boxing for Johnny Coulon was 1911-1914. This is the time when he won champion titles.

After the death of his father, who participated in his son’s career and was his manager, the boxer took a break.

Returning to the previous level turned out to be impossible. He stopped boxing, but did not give up the sport.

After his marriage, Johnny Pendant opened a school for boxers, and quite a few famous champions grew up before his eyes.One of them is Muhammad Ali, who used this training ring while he was in disgrace.

Clay Cassius became Muhammad Ali after meeting the leader of the Nation of Islam. Many comrades did not like this decision, and some turned away from it.

He was suspended from competition for three years. This did not hinder his career, and over time he achieved results that are difficult to surpass.

Over the years of professional activity, many difficulties arose, but Ali was always confident in his victory.

First of all, he wanted to prove that skin color cannot influence the superiority of one person over another.

Muhammad Ali competed first in the light heavyweight category and then in the heavyweight category.

When his prime began, Johnny Pendant was already an old man. For example, Ali was 22 years old in 1964, and Johnny Coulon was 75 years old.

How Muhammad Ali Couldn’t Lift Johnny Pendant

Two boxers in opposite weight classes met at a Johnny Coulon show. One is 152 cm tall, the other is 190 cm. The difference in weight is also large. Muhammad Ali was asked to lift Johnny Pendant up.

At first glance, this is not a difficult matter for a boxer who is constantly involved in sports. It would seem that raising an elderly, wizened old man would not be difficult.

On the first try, this is what happened. With an easy lift, Muhammad Ali set Johnny Coulon on his feet.

The second attempt was unsuccessful. Muhammad Ali couldn’t even move the lightweight Johnny Pendant.

At the same time, the latter stood calmly, without any effort or resistance. Trick, trick or magic, but the fact remains confirmed that strength can lose to intelligence.

Having retired from his boxing career, Johnny Pendant still needed to earn a living from something.

He had a trick up his sleeve that allowed him to create his own stage act. Johnny Pendant stripped to the waist and went out in front of the public, challenging who would be stronger.

His appearance caused laughter, because he looked more like a thin, short schoolboy. There were enough competitors, but everyone left the stage afterwards upset.

No one could lift Johnny Pendant off the ground or move him from his place. The secret was knowledge of human physiology, the location of nerve endings, and the points affecting them.

Johnny Coulon took a stance that was initially uncomfortable for his opponent. The position of the hands was also special, but no one contradicted this.

These were the conditions of the performance. He grabbed his opponent’s wrist with one and placed the other on his neck.

Not even the whole palm, but only two fingers. Thus, he blocked the nerve, limiting the capabilities of both hands.

There was also a version that Johnny Pendant could control his levitation and gain weight whenever he wanted.

Heavyweight boxer Primo Carner, who was more than two meters tall, tried his hand, but he also could not cope with the lightweight boxer.

Doctors and scientists tried to figure out the method, thinking that it was a matter of standing.

They put extra weight on Johnny Pendant’s body to change the center of gravity. They suggested wetting his hands, believing that this would deprive him of his strength. But the trick always worked, and victory was on his side.

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